

Sounds Like Justice was formed sometime in Oct. of 2006 with John and TJ along with our friends Matt LaBelle on bass and Jon-Michael on the keys after their last band "The Bombers" broke up. after a while of practicing without a singer, we met Tyler and he liked what he heard and he was drafted into the band. Shortly after that, Jon-Michael left the band then Matt left the band when he died, but then came back from the dead, rejoined, then quit again and Tyler took over on 4string duties and vox. After realizing that our band was missing that extra something, we decided to draft Michele into the band to play trumpet for us. After a while of that, at a show our good friend Nick Johnson (and former trombone player of our last band "The Bombers") offered to play trombone for us and we happily took him up on that offer.


August 9th, 2011 + 2:08 PM  ·  SoundsLikeJustice

Re-did an old song from my old band. I decided it was a good song and it'd be a shame to let it go to waste so here's what I came with. Nevermind my clipping vocals.

Romantic Hopes For Changing The World

July 29th, 2009 + 3:07 PM  ·  SoundsLikeJustice

I just finished these. It's for a slow sing-along style acoustic song.

Not sure about the title though.

"Open your eyes, look around the world and tell me what you see
You see love and fame where I see bombs and flames and hopes of anarchy
You see peace and promise for the world around us but I see through those lies
So lets torch this city because it'll look so pretty under smokey orange skies

And around the fire we'll stand with gas and lighters in our hands and witness this beautiful scene
We'll watch the towers crumble and be reduced down to rubble and together we will scream

Look what we did we changed the world made it a better place for all the boys and girls
And every single person in the world will be effect by our act
We toppled towers and we crumbled super powers in spite of anyone who's ever called us cowards
Look what we've done and we'll never ever take it back

We've placed bombs around your lies and wrongs and we blew them to the sky
Some think we're wrong but we were right all along and we'll celebrate while they cry
And all their tears can't put out the flames that we've ignited this day
They will stumble through the ash and some realize our passion to make this world a better place

And the rebels will turn and watch their houses burn with a feeling of complacency
They'll join us hand in hand and together we will stand and watch their burning city

Look what we did we changed the world made it a better place for all the boys and girls
And every single person in the world will be effect by our act
We toppled towers and we crumbled super powers in spite of anyone who's ever called us cowards
Look what we've done and we'll never ever take it back"

I'll see you in hell

March 20th, 2009 + 1:03 PM  ·  SoundsLikeJustice

Hey, this is my first stab at writing like this. Think almost like folk punk. Against Me! Mischief Brew... Stuff like that.

"This is a message to my friends and family
I am sorry for what I came to be
A hollow shell of the person that I once was
As I lay here being engulfed by earth
I'm a decomposing memory of people I have hurt
A fading whisper from someone that was once loved

So seal me up and put me away
Tell me where to go and I swear I will stay
I'll do anything just to make things alright
I'll travel to the ends of the earth
To get far enough to end this pain and hurt
Or maybe I'll drive my car off this bridge tonight

It's difficult to think when blowing .10
And all you can focus on is how this all will end
Made even worse that I brought this onto myself
I guess I had it coming from the years of abuse
And all of the things that I used to do.
I wish I could wish you all farewell
Fuck it, I'll just see you in hell

My car is going as fast as my mind
erasing the memories of the life I'll leave behind
using alcohol as the tool to wipe my slate clean
I feel myself ease as I climb up that bridge
As I reach the top say I sorry and wait for it to end
It was the most beautiful disaster you have ever seen

I reach the climax and I jerk the car wheel right
and I hit the barricades meant to save my life
as I hope they don't work this time
I wake up with water up to my knees
and I realized this is not where I wanna be
this is not my time to die

I reach a panic and I can't open my door
it's hard to function you're drunk and can't see the floor
Just the water rising faster than time could tell
My clumsy hands can't roll the window down
Soon I'll be under water and then 6 feet under ground
In the cell that I brought onto myself
I guess I'll still see you in hell

This is a note to my friends and family
I'm sorry this had to end in tragedy
but it's hard to live with nobody by your side
Maybe when I die everything will be ok
And if there's a god in heaven I ask that you will pray
That he will show pity on a soul such as mine

I don't want you to feel bad for me
just remember me for who I used to be
before I went and ruined my own life
I know I swore I would never leave your side
But that's still true even though I'm not alive
Where I come from there's no such thing as good bye
I'll see you again in time"

Ballad of Sludge City

February 4th, 2009 + 7:02 PM  ·  SoundsLikeJustice

I wrote these lyrics probably about a year ago. Thought they were decent but never really used them for anything.


Small town air, so polluted with despair
Nothing but pain misery, why the hell does this have to be
so hard for me to get away from
this place is not part of me, I'll get away one day you'll see
I refuse to live my life out here
I'll walk away and not shed a tear
for this city without a name
you say this place is your home
where even though there's people you're all alone
and every day is exactly the same
And whoa, I better let go.
there's nothing left here for you Nothing left here for me
and whoa I better say good bye
Just turn my back and walk away there's no reason for me to stay
So I'm packing my bags. I'm leaving soon
Say goodbye to my friends and family. I have to do what's best for me
this small town just isn't my place
I'm off to do better things going to be something worth being
I don't wanna just sit here and waste my life away
I have things to do I have things to say
Things that I can't do here
I gotta get away even just for a while
and I want to leave seeing you with a smile
on your face, going ear to ear.
And whoa, I better let go.
there's nothing left here for you Nothing left here for me
and whoa I better say good bye
Just turn my back and walk away there's no reason for me to stay

And whoa I just want you to know
I love my friends and family. I appreciate all they've done for me
And whoa I don't want to see them cry
I may be going far away, but I will see them again some day.

No title yet...

February 4th, 2009 + 7:02 PM  ·  SoundsLikeJustice

First lyrics I've written in a good long time.

I say there ain't no day like today
And I say, I only wanna spend it with you
And I say there will never be another day like today
And I just want it to be us two

They say todays the first day of the rest of your life
and what better way to start than to have you by my side
But what if I never want this day to end
If I wanna relive it over and over and once again
and if I could freeze time I'd do it without a doubt
And together we won't worry about what life is all about
Just you and I laying side by side
in the grass beneath bright blue sky

I'll say there ain't no day like today
And I'll say, I only wanna spend it with you
And I'll say there will never be another day like today
And I'll say I'm glad it's just me and you

I look at you and you look back at me
and together we think how can life be so perfectly
Harmonized as I look into your eyes
I begin to feel like I am being mesmerized.
By your stair and your long flowing hair
and how we can be together and not have a care
In the world and have no worries
because you and I are living in a perfect love story

I'll say there ain't no day like today
And I'll say, I only wanna spend it with you
And I'll say there will never be another day like today
And I'll say I'm glad it's just me and you

And I'll say...
And I'll say...
And I'll say...
And I'll say I'm so in love with you.
Alias: SoundsLikeJustice
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Joined: January 19th, 2007
Last login: January 08th, 2012

My Messengers

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